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We found this painting in a box of artwork from my childhood. This was done freehand from a tiny comic strip during my 10th grade art class. This was about the time I discovered my love for the ocean after our first family trip to California. Perhaps it depicts my dreams of being with my soul mate near the ocean. Now my fantasy has become a reality as I currently live in Hawaii with my husband and we enjoy a big blue sunset ocean view. My husband had this picture framed and it hung in our office in Arizona. It travelled to Hawaii with us and is now hanging in our bedroom.


Digital Art (iPad)


These are all freehand doodles on my iPad. The first is the west side of our Arizona backyard, then me daydreaming as a little girl (which I did frequently), and last Seinfeld while I was watching reruns.


How I started doing avatars of people is an interesting story. It all began when people started complimenting a quick doodle I did of myself on my white board in my office cubicle. I started seeing people as cartoons in my mind, so I decided to try one of a coworker. I drew it freehand in pencil then converted it to a digital color cartoon. Word got around and I started getting requests to do this for others. I did it for the fun of it and it also brought pleasure to others.

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Posters for Company Events

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Designed T-Shirts for IT Arizona Employees

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Homemade Birthday Card for my Mother-in-Law

Joann loved the show "Everybody Loves Raymond" so I made a birthday card for her.

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© 2023 Laura Osterman

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